Thursday, March 5, 2020

4 Ways to Reward and Recognize an Introverted Employee - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 4 Ways to Reward and Recognize an Introverted Employee - Introvert Whisperer 4 Ways to Reward and Recognize an Introverted Employee Kayla Matthews November 15, 2019 Career Development, Networking No responses Go to top No workplace functions without a system of recognition. People want to work hard at their jobs and stand out from the rest of the office to earn that end of the year bonus or raise, but they need encouragement more than once a year. The only way employees will keep up their productivity and maintain a high-quality workload is by frequent encouragement and recognition. At the end of every project or major effort, employees should know that their hard work is seen and valued. The issue is that not everyone wants the same kind of recognition. If you have a number of people in your office who hate being the center of attention, there are other ways you can recognize their hard work. Check out these four easy ways to reward and recognize an introverted employee, so everyone can feel appreciated at your workplace. 1. Do Something Private Introverts dont like being in the spotlight, especially around an office full of people where they only have one or two close friends. Instead of sending out an office email congratulating them or throwing a party in their honor, do something private for your star introverts. Depending on their personality, that could look like a couple of different things. You might write a personal note to them and leave it on their desk before they arrive in the morning. Maybe theyd appreciate a verbal confirmation of their work or a small gift, like a fruit basket. Think about what your introverted employee enjoys and tailor your private recognition around that. 2. Buy Them Lunch It gets old to bring your lunch everyday or order from the same lunch spots. Thats why its extra nice to treat an introvert employee to a free lunch. Order in for them or give them a gift card to a nice restaurant in town. Studies have shown that providing employees with free food increases workplace morale and energy, because everyone loves a delicious bite of something tasty and free. 3.  Celebrate with People They Know You may want to do something big for your introverted employees because they did something big for the company. If thats the case, consider gathering their closest friends, family, or teammates to help them feel comfortable. For instance, you can  host an employee picnic  so everyone gets to have fun without there being a focus on the one individual. You can send out an email letting everyone know why the picnic is happening, but let the introvert mingle as they want and not be forced into the spotlight. This is a great spring or fall idea, especially if your business is located near a public park. 4. Allow Work From Home Days Heading to the office every morning can be a challenge, but its especially hard for introverts. They need longer periods of time to rest after social events and their energy drains quickly during the workweek. Thats why you should consider rewarding your introvert by allowing them to work from home occasionally. Studies have shown that allowing employees to work from home just once a month boosted their workplace happiness  by 24%, which can only be higher for introverted employees. If the work they do doesnt have to happen in the office, letting them work from home could be the reward that means the most to them. Ask Their Friends Sometimes its hard to make close friends with your employees when youre the boss. You may not know the introverted employee well enough to make a personal preference call for them. Dont be afraid to ask their friends for their opinions and keep the reward a secret until its presented. Theyll want to help recognize their friend as well, especially when they see management going to great lengths to keep in mind the introverted persons level of comfort. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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